Then Jesus came up and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ — Matthew 28:18–20

Other Great Resources

Books Read & Highly Recommended

Contagious Disciple Making

David & Paul Watson

Fabulous book. Practically speaking, David Watson is the pioneer of disciple making movements. This book is the most comprehensive explanation of what DMMs are all about and could probably serve as the only resource needed to successfully implement a movement if read several times as one begins to implement the principles and strategies that are well explained.

From Megachurch to Multiplication

Chris Galanos

It is hard not to catch Chris Galanos’ obvious passion for reaching entire people groups through disciples making disciples. Chris planted a church that reached mega status at a mega fast pace, yet when he was confronted with the idea that more could be done for the Kingdom, he didn't hesitate to change the entire model of the church. For him, seeing a DMM was worth surrendering all, which by almost anyone’s standards included a lot of success.

Spent Matches

Roy Moran

The approach to promoting DMMs in this book is to show first the reason we ought to be hoping and looking for something different. Roy Moran gives some alarming statistics showing that our traditional church model is not effective toward Kingdom growth. He then shows how a much more simple and straightforward way of applying the Great Commission is superior. Roy employs this “new” old strategy alongside a traditional church setting.

Acts and the Movement of God

Steve Addison

This book isn’t explicitly advocating for DMMs, but rather lays the foundation for a biblical understanding of how the gospel effectively spreads by walking us through the book of Acts. There is relatively little of “this is how it should be done,” but simply “this is how it was done.” The reader is mostly expected to see the implications for him or her self.

The Multiplier’s Mindset

Cynthia Anderson

I want to put this book higher in this list, but it is a little more geared toward those who have either decided they will engage in DMM strategies, or are very close to doing so. I can also heartily recommend this book to any believer who wants to be challenged to live a more fruitful life for Jesus, but for those who will commit to practicing DMM ministry, this book is an absolute must! Indispensable!

In The Way

Damian Gerke

I have a funny story about how I found this book. Maybe I'll share it sometime. Damian Gerke examines what it meant to be In The Way originally verses what it means, practically speaking, now; that we are in God’s way, not allowing Him to work through His children how He intended. This is a sobering look at how we have read our prevailing tradition of church and Christian practice back into the Bible, coming to believe that this way is the same as that way. But it clearly isn’t.

The Other Half of Church

Jim Wilder
Michel Hendricks

Not DMM specific.

This book gives some amazing insights on the rationale for small groups and the dynamics that make them powerful.

Spirit Walk

Steve Smith

Not DMM specific.

I can’t recommend this book highly enough. I created and teach a six week course based on this book and have bought and given away many copies. What a simple but profound idea Steve Smith had—he outlines the practical ways we can order our lives so that we can continually walk how we are supposed to, in the Spirit! Phenomenal!

Prayer Power

Peter Lundell

Not DMM specific.

This is an excellent devotional styled book that gives great hints in how to become better at this most important part of our Christian walk. I don’t recall the saint who said it, but it went something like this: “We may preach and fail, but we cannot pray and fail.” (Leonard Ravenhill perhaps?) One thing I know I can attribute to Ravenhill, however, is “No man is greater than his prayer life.” Ouch! But I know it’s true.

24:14 A Testimony to All Peoples

Stan Parks

Dave Coles

Currently Reading

Highly recommend this book though I haven’t finished it yet. Filled with both the basis for DMMs and stories from practitioners.

Free: This book can be had for free due to the generosity of its authors and the 24:14 movement. If you would like to purchase the book instead, the image above links to Amazon.


All for Jesus is an organization dedicated to seeing entire regions and nations reached for Jesus Christ through prayer, training, mentoring and making disciples that make disciples and planting churches that plant churches.

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–Keith Green

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