All the nations, all the people, all for Jesus!

How you can run with this vision

If the Lord is tugging at your heart strings and stirring you to grasp this vision of—all the people, all for Jesus—to run with it, there are several ways you can.

Join an existing work

If you are in a region where there is already an all4jesus work underway, you can join with its leaders, get some muddy boots training, start making disciples that make disciples that make disciples, and help start groups that become churches that start more groups and churches. Check here to see if there is already a work covering your area. If there is, please contact the respective leaders through links on their pages.

Start a new work

If you are not in an area that is already encompassed by an existing all4jesus work, you can get training through us or our partners that will enable you to pioneer a DMM wherever you are. We would be glad to help you start a new all4jesus work. Please contact us.


If going full in and full on, boots-on-the-ground is not what you feel the Lord is leading you to presently, you can still help by joining us in prayer which is no less helpful than being a hands on worker. We covet the prayers of the saints. God is the engine for anything that’s of value, so prayer is really our main ministry. Our boots are only allowed to get muddy after the more important work of praying is good and well done. Let me say, that though prayer is not at the top of this list of ways to run with this vision, indeed prayer is the top way to run with and see this vision fulfilled in the places it is implemented. Make no mistake, if you join an existing work or are trained to start a new one, you will be praying, a lot! In light of that, the top three ways to help are all prayer, really! Sign up to receive our prayer list (best), or just visit our prayer page that contains the same prayer requests. We’re not trying to cajole visitors here into giving us their email so we can build a big mailing list, but the fact is many people will forget to check our prayer page unless they are reminded, so we offer to send the list out, along with a link to the prayer page.

Support financially

I put financial support at the bottom of this list for a reason. Can we use finances? You bet! But we will not allow people to see all4jesus as primarily needing money to operate. That’s just not true, and so we will relegate our “offering basket” to the back corner as it were. Nonetheless, funding for leaders of these works is tremendously helpful as they really need to spend many, many hours training and overseeing the work. If it is on your heart to give, whether a one-time or recurring offering, we thank you and pray that the Lord blesses you even more than He has blessed us through you. Give here.

Resources to fan the flame

All4jesus is by no means a lone wolf doing our own thing. We are encouraged and taught by dozens of other ministries, leaders and coaches through online resources and books. We highly, highly encourage you to feed on other resources. We also recommend that you read articles produced here that will lead to a better grasp of the DMM/CPM paradigm and why all4jesus was born.


All for Jesus is an organization dedicated to seeing entire regions and nations reached for Jesus Christ through prayer, training, mentoring and making disciples that make disciples and planting churches that plant churches.

Do it

This generation of believers is responsible for this generation
of souls.
–Keith Green

Are you ready to reach your entire region, people group, or nation? Or support those who are?



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Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Japan 905-0214

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